Other Tools
An assortment of Tools for a variety of jobs.
Browse the Tools. Whichever Tool you want, simply drag and drop your file into the box.

The Tool will work on your file. Now download your file to get your new and improved data in just seconds!

How to get started
Choose a Tool
Simplify and normalise text data.
If you want to:
Clean and simplify your text data for analysis ("Text normalisation") to remove differences that you are not important to your research question, such as removing white space, lowercasing words, removing numbers, punctuation and special symbols
This is the Tool for you!
Drag and drop your file onto the block to use the Tool.
Export mbox to CSV file.
If you want to convert your mbox file to a CSV file
This is the Tool for you!
Drag and drop your file onto the block to use the Tool.
We've currently disabled exporting the email content, primarily because this really increases download size. Please contact us if you require it.
If you need to process larger mbox files, please contact us!
Process Snap Survey Exports.
If you want to prettify your Snap Survey Exports
This is the Tool for you!
Drag and drop your file onto the block to use the Tool.
Snap Survey Export files only!
Submit as either individual files or as a group. No folders.
Create your own API.
If you want to connect a google spreadsheet to create your own proprietary lists of useful lookup tables and databases...
This is the Tool for you!
Drag and drop your file onto the block to use the Tool.